
Do you feel like there are not enough hours in the day? Overwhelmed by your 'To Do' list? Perhaps feel out of control?

Are you spending more time on admin than your client work? Or avoiding it all together because you just can't face it?  

Have you put off scaling up your business because you're scared of tech or don’t have the time to spend learning how to use it? You've convinced yourself that your excel spreadsheet will do the job? 

Does the thought of mapping out processes break you out in a sweat? Your clients are getting more or less the same user experience so that is good enough?

If this sounds like you and you are ready for a change, then you’re in the right place, I’ve got your back!




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Get sh*t Done Club

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about me

I am a certified Online Business Manager (OBM), soon-to-be certified ICF coach and passionate Business Mentor. In case you hadn’t noticed, I like a certificate!

I support online service-based business owners in achieving sustainable growth without sacrificing their time or their sanity.

I am your wing woman, your partner in crime! I am committed to making your business a success!

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