
flodesk training

If you're reading this you have probably had ‘set up my email marketing’ on your to-do list for quite a while…am I right?  

Well not anymore! In this 2 hour workshop training we are going to go from zero to hero! I will walk you through how to set up Flodesk and get things working so you can start to build your mailing list the minute the Zoom call ends. Not only that but you'll have a cracking understanding of how to use Flodesk email marketing going forward #Empowered 

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why set up flodesk email marketing?

Because building an email list is a great way to build an intimate relationship with potential customers/clients. Social media is fabulous but you don't ‘own’ your audience info. If one day socials just disappeared how would you stay in contact with the community you have worked so hard to create?...hello mailing list!

It's a no-brainer right? and all for just £149!!! (this does not include your Flodesk subscription cost).


Your next Flodesk Workshop dates:


flodesk set up - just £149

What makes this Flodesk training workshop so unique is that will build it all on the call together.
You’re not sitting and watching me do it only to have to implement it yourself later, because we all know we never get around to ‘later’!

Limited spaces available


if we join forces, you’ll be able to…


We will go through the basics and get the foundations right. Including getting your account branded, integrations set up and opt-in settings sorted. 


We will create a mailing list sign-up form that can sit on your website or in you link in bio and a pop-up form where your audience can sign-up for  your lead magnet.


Next up is where the magic really happens, we will build a welcome/nurture sequence for new subscribers and a delivery sequence for your lead magnet.


you'll leave the workshop with your email marketing all set-up and ready to go


Your next Flodesk Workshop dates:

Just a little FYI email marketing ROI is 4200% compared with social media which is around 40%.

Not sure if Flodesk is the email marketing platform for you? Check out my Flodesk 101 blog.


What they’re saying…

“ Jools!! You literally blew my mind!

Couldn’t have come at a better time for me as I have a new lead magnet and want to get it out there but my current email system has me tangled up in unknowns! 

You made it all so easy. But I couldn’t have done it without you. So big thank yous coming right your way!

I was just gutted I have a deadline tomorrow as all I wanted to do after the session was dive in, get it all designed beautifully, working perfectly, and sign up for a 15min set-up call with you! It will have to wait a few days till I have some time, but I can’t wait to get going on it. 

It’s like a huge weight has lifted off my shoulders! Thanks again - you were fab Jools!”

- Kate Campbell, Be Brave Interiors

Book your 'Done with you' Flodesk Workshop


Book your 'Done with you' Flodesk Workshop 〰️