about me

I’m Julia…Jools!

Business Mentor & Consultant | Tech nerd | Neurodiversity Advocate

I'm a productivity enthusiast with a knack for turning chaos into calm. My brain thrives on finding the most efficient and effective ways to get things done. Whether it's organising my workspace, optimising my schedule, or streamlining processes, I’m all about making every minute count. I’m not about the hussle I’m about using the time we have available to our best ability.

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But here's the thing: I'm also neurodiverse, and I've learned that the "one-size-fits-all" approach to productivity doesn't always work. Through my own journey, I've discovered unique strategies and tools that cater to my specific needs, and I’m passionate about helping others do the same.

I believe everyone deserves to find a workflow that suits them perfectly. So, I’m here to share tips, tricks, and insights that can help both fellow neurodiverse peeps and neurotypical peeps navigate their own paths to productivity and efficiency. Together, we can transform how we work and live, one smart hack at a time.

Welcome to my world of organised creativity and tailored efficiency!




Favourite MoviE

Topgun! “I feel the need, the need for speed” Absolute classic! And now Topgun Maverick too


Favorite Drink

Rosé is my weapon of choice, the paler the better!


ACOTAR, Fourth Wing, Iron Flame, GoT, Shantaram to name a few…



Assuming my dogs are not items then…probs my watch! I LOVE IT!

Favourite Dinner

Champagne, chip shop chips with mushy peas and ketchup.


Personality Type

Fun with a little bit of sarcasm thrown in for good measure…Autistic, ISFJ-T, Aries, Generator

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I am working on putting diversity, equity, and inclusion at the core of everything I do. It is super important to me and I take great pride in creating an environment that celebrates the uniqueness of every individual. As a big supporter of the LGBTQ+ community, I embrace and champion the rights and experiences of all individuals, regardless of their sexual orientation, gender identity, or gender expression. My commitment to diversity extends beyond just words, I am actively working on creating a safe and inclusive space for all. As I say ‘working on’, I am open to feedback on how to do more.

I believe that diversity fuels innovation, fosters creativity, and drives success. If you choose to work with me (or not) you can expect a warm and accepting atmosphere where everyone is treated with the utmost respect and dignity. Join me in embracing diversity, challenging stereotypes, and creating a better future together. If this doesn't sound like something you can get on board with, feel free to exit my website…immediately.


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