the get sh*t done club lite

Are you ready to take your business to the next level?

Say goodbye to guesswork and hello to success with our library of expert-led masterclasses, designed to fuel your growth and empower you as a business owner.

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Expert-Led Masterclasses: Gain exclusive access to a diverse library of masterclasses led by industry experts. From marketing mavens to financial wizards, the masterclasses cover a range of topics to support you and your business journey.

Tailored for Businesses and Freelancers: Whether you're a budding entrepreneur or a seasoned freelancer, the GSDC Lite is designed to cater to the unique needs of businesses and freelancers alike.

Community Support: Join the WhatsApp community to connect with other business owners, share insights, and seek advice from fellow members. Plus, enjoy monthly office hours where you can get personalised support from me.

On-Demand Learning: Access masterclasses anytime, anywhere. The apps on-demand format allows you to revisit classes as many times as you need, ensuring you're equipped with the knowledge to navigate every stage of your business growth.

You can view a list of previous masterclasses here


the get sh*t done club lite

Investment £48.98/month (6-month minimum term)

- Monthly guest expert masterclass (Online)

- Diverse library of masterclasses lead by guest experts (via my app)

- Monthly ‘Office Hours’ (Online)

- Group WhatsApp for community

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